In general, it aims to achieve a "vintage" look on items through different processes in specific equipment, according to the desired outcome. One of the most well-known processes is stone wash. It is carried out on footwear with soles, or separate soles, as well as on other leather or fabric articles.
The desired result will determine the washing process used on your shoe or sole. From a light beating, which requires a more careful and short duration wash, to works that require a more avant-garde or pronounced vintage look, including stone wash or chemi wash. We offer what your item needs!
Aims to achieve a "vintage" look on items through different processes such as stone wash, chemi wash, and others in specific equipment, according to the desired outcome.
Aims to achieve a "vintage" or more natural look after dyeing, using special washing techniques in specific equipment, which ensures the desired look by the customer.
For special problems, special solutions. Washes with leather restoration products, color restoration, problems with adhesives, and other mishaps.